Principles of Infection Control for the Tattoo Industry
In the beginning of 2017, I was commissioned to author a book covering the topic of infection control for the tattoo industry. Over the...

What is SofTap®?
First and foremost, SofTap® is a brand. The company, located in Livermore, CA, is dedicated to supplying needles, pigments and...
Should I get bottom Eyeliner?
We hear this question quite often. Many glamour magazines with articles on conventional makeup insist that women over the age of 50...

Understanding Microblading
Recently, the demand for permanent cosmetic hairline strokes has increased. Many estheticians and lash artists are rushing to train in...
Continuing Education
Never underestimate the value of continuing education. Just booked my annual spring continuing education with the Society of Permanent...
What happens to the pigment when it is implanted in the skin?
When researching for an article I was writing for the the permanent cosmetic industry, I found an article that was quite interesting. It...
A new normal
As many of my clients are aware, I returned to college a few years ago to acquire my bachelors in nursing. I have found myself in many...
From September 2013
My 15 year old daughter got an infection in the hospital in July 2013. She got necrotizing fasciitis, aka, "Flesh Eating Bacteria", while...
From June 2013
To all of my clients, I want to share with you the journey we are on. Friends, I wanted to provide an update for my youngest daughter....
Importance of Professional Affiliations
Please take a few minutes to watch my colleague talk about being a member of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals. I am very...